With the continuous effort of vice chairman secretary Mr. Shyam Sunder Patel, Mr. Pradeep PatelĀ and prominent activist Mr. Sheshnath Verma of our Sardar Patel Janseva Samiti (Trust) a plan of canal has been passed which will be built soon.
We are very thankful to our Member of parliament of our city (Machhali sahar) Shri Ram Charitttar Nisaad who had taken it up with the government and provided the required approval. People of village Dallipur are very happy and excited about this canal. Farmer will be able to take their crops and other irrigation equipment between their home and irrigation land easily by using this canal they will save time and effort.
The canal work is stopped after initial work of pillars due to water supply for irrigation in canal. Once the water supply will stop by authority, construction of bridge will resume.